Verastuty, S.S, M.Kom
Using a right strategy for our class is an important thing. Eventhough there are so many strategies that we can use in our class, still we have to think the best and suitable one for the class. We need to consider about the learning materials, students’ learning behaviours, classroom or school condition, students’ ability and others, so that the students can learn maximally.
SMAN 14 Padang has nine classes for grade ten. They are five classes for science program and 4 classes for social classes. Each class has heterogent students’ learning behaviour, but most of them are kinesthetic learners with low to middle English ability. Since most of them are kinesthetic learners, it is important to choose a strategy which can accomodate the majority learners’ type but do not left the others. One of the strategy is “Running Discussion” strategy. In fact, this strategy is a modified strategy from “Running Dictation” strategy. It is modified to make it suitable for the students condition.
The result shows that all of the classes from five classes for science programme and 4 classes for social classes programme were enjoy and happy during the class.
Keywords: English learning, heterogent learners’ type, Kinestetics learners, Running discussion
English is one of the subjects that must be studied by high school students. On this subject, there are 4 (four) skills that must be learned. They are writing, reading, listening, and speaking. These four skills are very important to make the students can survive in global relationships or in the real world, as mentioned on the goals of English language learning.
There is a reality on students’ mind that teacher is the center of learning. In other hand, the teacher is the source of all information. So students simply listen and remember what the teacher said. This phenomena makes the students as "passive subjects".
Unfortunatly, this fact is irrelevant to the curriculum that is used nowadays, because in KTSP curriculum and National Curriculum (K13 revised edition), teachers are facilitators and the learning activities should be students centered. For this reason, the teachers should put themselves as the facilitators ot motivators for their students. So that, the learning process conduct as the curriculum says.
As the demands of the curriculum explained above, it is very important for teachers to design a learning activity that is centered on students. On this case, students do fun activities in learning. Fun here means that students do these activities according to their natural learning abilities and characteristics. So that the learning design implements a strategy that allows the learning process to be conducive, enthusiastic, reflexive, and multisensory (using various senses).
It is an important thing to design a learning strategy that accommodate all learners’ types of learning. There are three kinds of learning types, they are visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners. Dealing with heterogenous class, where every type of learning occur in the class, will rise several problems in learning activity. One of these problems is that English learning become uneffective and unenjoyable class. This phenomenon can be seen from several students who did not respond or did not show enthusiasm for learning, drowse, daydreaming and so on. Of course, this phenomenon contrast to low learning motivation and a low level of students' competencies.
This problem needs to be solved, so that the students become more enthusiastic in learning English and for the teachers, they also can achieve their learning targets. Hopefully, it can fulfill the curriculum's demands. Therefore, a fun active learning is needed.
Barnes, D (1989) explained that active learning is a learning activity that engage the students with several activities such as reading, writing, speaking and even listening. It can be the form of discussing or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of a topic. There are several methods and simulations on promoting active learning such as cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and the use of case methods and simulations approaches.
Picture 1
Passive and Active Learning
When students are actively engaged, they think deeper about the course content, and enjoy their learning activities. This can be through several activities, such as group work, project work, interactive online activities, peer teaching, etc. Students must be actively participating in the activities and reflecting on the activities to enhance their higher order thinking capabilities.
There are some active learning principles, they are:
1. The activity’s goals are for the purpose of students and also relevant to the students.
2. The students understand and can apply the meaning of what they have learnt on their daily life.
3. The students can negotiate the goals and methods of learning activity with their teacher.
4. The students can evaluate different ways and means of learning the content critically.
5. Learning task complexity is comparable to professional context and real life.
6. The need of the situation is taken into learning activity in order to establish the learning tasks.
Here is the nature of active learning that drived from Bloom’s taxonomy. It is Learning retention pyramid.
Picture 2
Learning Retention Pyramid, based on Bloom's taxonomy. Active learning is above, passive learning below
From the pyramid above, it can be concluded that learning by doing much more effective rather than participating and receiving only. In the other hand, the learners will achieve the goals if they study a lesson by practicing it.
Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to conduct an activity by practicing the lesson with a fun method or strategy, which accomodate heterogent learners. So that, every student can follows the lesson activity happily. It is also important to put the task which is suitable with the student’s type of learning. Wheather he/she is auditory, visual or kinesthetics learners. If they doing the task and thinking about what they are doing, they will learn better and if the teacher mix the leasson activity with fun and active strategy, it will be the best thing to enggage the knowledge on the learner’s brain.
Description of selected solving strategies
To solve this problem, the writer tries an adaptation strategy that is "running discussion". Where in this strategy students will carry out activities from 4 domains of skill, they are reading, writing, listening and speaking. So that all aspects of learning are carried out. This strategy also accommodates all the characteristics of students, both auditory, visual and kinesthetic.
Explanation of the operational stages of the implementation
In "running discussion" strategy, several tools such as bilingual magazines, dictionaries, papers, and stationery are needed.
The stages on learning activity are:
1. The teacher forms some groups, where each group consists of at least 3 students. In this case the teacher must be observant in classifying students. Each group must consist of students who are kinesthetic, auditory and visual with diverse English skills (high, medium, low).
2. After the group is formed, the teacher explains the activities roles. Each group chooses an announcer who will sit behind the class, and the other, as seekers in front of the class. Between seekers and announcers there is no obstacle such as a table or chair. For this reason, all tables and chairs are placed at the back or front of the class, except the table that will be used by announcers and seekers. Seekers discuss making questions and answers based on the articles in the magazine. After the questions and answers are made, one of the seeker runs towards the announcer to whisper the question and answer. Announcer noted. This activity is repeated until the time runs out. After the time is up, the teacher asks the announcer to read the results of the writing.
3. The teacher needs to show an example of the activity until all students understand. In this case, the teacher needs the help of one or two students so that the activities to be carried out are clearly illustrated.
4. The teacher distributes "Color" bilingual magazine published by Garuda Air ( or the seekers opened the magazine by their smartphone) , paper and stationery in each group.
5. The teacher asks students to occupy their respective positions with the necessary equipment.
6. The teacher gives the signal the start of the activity and does not forget to inform the length of time provided for the activity.
7. After the activity is finished, the announcer reads the results of the group discussion
8. The teacher gives feedback to the work of the students, then takes the conclusion by asking the students.
2. After the group is formed, the teacher explains the activities roles. Each group chooses an announcer who will sit behind the class, and the other, as seekers in front of the class. Between seekers and announcers there is no obstacle such as a table or chair. For this reason, all tables and chairs are placed at the back or front of the class, except the table that will be used by announcers and seekers. Seekers discuss making questions and answers based on the articles in the magazine. After the questions and answers are made, one of the seeker runs towards the announcer to whisper the question and answer. Announcer noted. This activity is repeated until the time runs out. After the time is up, the teacher asks the announcer to read the results of the writing.
3. The teacher needs to show an example of the activity until all students understand. In this case, the teacher needs the help of one or two students so that the activities to be carried out are clearly illustrated.
4. The teacher distributes "Color" bilingual magazine published by Garuda Air ( or the seekers opened the magazine by their smartphone) , paper and stationery in each group.
5. The teacher asks students to occupy their respective positions with the necessary equipment.
6. The teacher gives the signal the start of the activity and does not forget to inform the length of time provided for the activity.
7. After the activity is finished, the announcer reads the results of the group discussion
8. The teacher gives feedback to the work of the students, then takes the conclusion by asking the students.
Reasons for Choosing a Problem Solving Strategy
SMAN 14 Padang is located in Batu Gadang, Lubuk Kilangan, Padang city. This school has very diverse students. Both various levels of intelligence and background of life. However, the majority of students of SMAN 14 Padang are middle to lower, both in terms of intelligence and economic level.
Because of this diversity, it is very important for the teacher to understand and design a right learning strategy for all students. The teacher's inaccuracy in designing learning will have an impact on students' demotivation. Lack of enthusiasm of students in participating in learning English because teachers as facilitators tend to dominate or activities undertaken are not in accordance with the passion of students.
This fact occurs undeniably because the writer, as an English teacher, has not fully designed the right learning and accommodates all the diversity and characteristics of unique learners. However, every human being has their advantages. It is the role of a teacher as a facilitator so that students can find their own strengths. Discovering the superiority of each individual can be started by seeing what students can and cannot do. Starting from what students can do, it is hoped that students can improve their competence.
During this time what happened was as an English teacher, the writer put too much emphasis on cognitive aspects (grammar and writing) which resulted in boredom of students in learning English. With these conditions, students no longer pay attention to the lessons taught by the teacher. They become sleepy, bored, daydreaming and sometimes chat with friends during the lesson. This results in low absorption of students to the material being taught. This is evidenced by the low scores achieved by students in the tests or quizzes they live. This is very disturbing for the teacher because after all the learning target is achieved where the student's value reaches the minimum criteria is one point that cannot be denied.
Therefore, it is necessary to have the right technique / method / strategy to overcome the problem. A strategy that can accommodate students' passion that supports their characteristics or learning style. This is very important so that the learning atmosphere becomes fun and students are able to achieve the targeted value. In this case the author chooses a strategy, and of course with some modifications, which are felt suitable and enjoyable for students. This strategy can also be problem solving for teacher problems.
"Running discussion" is a modified strategy of several existing teaching techniques and strategies. This strategy is expected to solve problems where many students are less enthusiastic in taking English lessons. In this strategy, all the diversity of students with various characteristics of learning styles can be accommodated. In addition, the majority of students in SMAN 14 Padang have the character as kinesthetic learners. As a kinesthetic learner, it is very pleasant if you can learn with body movements such as running, walking and moving other limbs. Thus, students attend the learning process with fun.
Implementation of Problem-Solving Strategies
Implementation of Problem-Solving Strategies
"Running discussion" is a strategy that requires sufficient space to move, so that an adequate space is needed. In addition, during the activities the students will move and talk very often and their enthusiasm, so many of the students make a rather loud voices. Thus, teachers need to work together with other teachers so that teh other teachers who teach in other classes do not feel disturbed. In case the near class/es is going to do a test or quiz, it is better to use another “save” place such as basket ball field or another open area.
Before implement the learning activities, the teacher needs to prepare the equipment needed. The most important thing is the material in the form of bi-lingual discourse / text that will be used. It is better for the teacher chooses the text that is most appropriate in accordance with the material and learning targets. In this case the teacher uses "color" magazine, published as in flight magazine on Garuda Indonesia flights. This magazine can be search at https://www.garuda-indonesia.com/id/id/garuda-indonesia-experience/in-flight/in-flight-entertainment/colours.page. This magazine is chosen as a bilingual text because this magazine has, of course, English and Indonesian in all of its articles. In addition, this magazine also has very good, interesting and eye catchy photographs that make the eyes of students comfortable. This little thing has a huge effect on students' psychology, because by looking at interesting objects, students are happier and carry out activities. And also, this magazine uses easy to be understood words and sentences for the students. The circumstances where the students' relaxed by seeing beautiful photos and the brain comfortable with the eye-catchy view and the heart happy as well because on the text they found not only English, but also Indonesian. Those will make it easier for the students to learn and capture learning material.
This strategy is carried out several times in one semester to determine the development of students' motivation. At the beginning of this activity, many students were still awkward because they had to think, discuss and run at one time. However, after some time, it was seen that the students really enjoyed the activities they did. In addition, students are also happy because they carry out activities that are appropriate to them. They compete with other groups and move swiftly to do the best for their group. This fosters a spirit of cooperation and competition for students.
Furthermore, this "running discussion" activity makes students try to get their own results from the part of the activities that are their responsibility. So that inevitably, students learn to understand the material provided. This situation encourages students to learn and understand English language material. Thus indirectly, the teacher has encouraged students to learn harder. This can be seen from the increase in test results or student quizzes. In addition to teaching and learning activities, students seem to be more confident in speaking English, although it is still mixed with Indonesian vocabulary.
The results to be achieved from this "running discussion" strategy is a learning process that is more effective, enjoyable and accommodates all the diversity of students' characteristics. Thus, students are motivated to learn English and they are challenged to improve their English competence based on their individual English competence.
With the motivation that grows among the students, the results of English learning achievement in the class increased. It is prooved by the tests and quizes scores that are increased. Moreover, the students seem more enthusiastic on doing the task. eventhough, they use both English and Indonesian.
Some of the challenges faced in implementing a "running discussion" strategy are:
1. If the class sorrounding is not capable to do the strategy, such as another class is doing a daily test or quiz, then the activity should use basketball court or another conducive space.
2. Learners are often so excited, so that the seekers unconsciously discuss with a loud voice that may disturb other group seekers.
3. The teacher needs to survey or explore the characteristics of the students who will be taught in order to create the learning process. This makes the running discussion activity is not possible to be conducted at the beginning of the school year, where the new teacher not know students’ characteristics yet.
1. If the class sorrounding is not capable to do the strategy, such as another class is doing a daily test or quiz, then the activity should use basketball court or another conducive space.
2. Learners are often so excited, so that the seekers unconsciously discuss with a loud voice that may disturb other group seekers.
3. The teacher needs to survey or explore the characteristics of the students who will be taught in order to create the learning process. This makes the running discussion activity is not possible to be conducted at the beginning of the school year, where the new teacher not know students’ characteristics yet.
1. The principal who supports the implementation of this idea and gives permission to change the layout of chairs and tables.
2. Colleagues who understand the implementation of this activity. Because during the activity, the class atmosphere will be very noisy.
3. Vice principals who support the implementation of this activity by allowing the teacher to use the basketball court if when this activity is not possible in the classroom because the next class is going to do a test or quiz.
1. With current technological advances, this strategy makes it possible to divide and share well with colleagues at school and other schools.
2. The teacher can make variations of this activity according to the material to be taught.
3. With the help of the internet, teachers can collaborate with other teachers in other parts of the world so that this strategy can be improved.
4. Beside magazine, this strategy also can use reading material from the other resources such as internet.
It can be concluded that the use of "running discussion" strategy in a class that has heterogeneous characteristics learners is very effective to improve the learning spirit of students. This is prooved by the enthusiasm of students in completing the tasks given. They were eager to complete the task given.
In addition, this strategy encourages students who have a high level of competence to utilize their competencies while increasing learning motivation for students who have moderate or low English competence. It happens because every student is placed in their "world". All students get the assignments that they feel are able to do it. This strategy has also proven as an effective in creating a fun atmosphere, active learning and also student oriented strategy. Because all students actively learn according to their respective roles.
As a facilitator, the teacher only acts as a learning designer and as a director that conduct the learning process runs well and the activities can run according to the design.
Barnes, D. Active Learning. Leeds University TVEI Support Project, 1989.
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